
More Than Just Sadness

Depression and bipolar disorder are very common mental health disorders. 


 Depression is characterized the following symptoms: 

  • Persistent sadness, low mood, depressed mood

  • loss of interest in activities once enjoyed

  • Regret

  • Low energy 

  • Changes in appetite

  • Altered sleep patterns

  • Difficulty concentrating

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is characterized by alternating periods of mania (high energy, euphoria, irritability, racing thoughts, and decreased need for sleep) and depression. 

Both depression and bipolar disorder can be effectively treated with medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Some people may also find relief from natural supplements.

  • Options for treatment

    There are several options for treatment of depression. Some are used alone and other times they are used in combination.


    Lifestyle Modifications

    Light therapy





  • Medical

    Sometimes depression is worsened by an underlining medical condition that has not been identified yet

    At Active Healing Psychiatric Services we focus on the whole person and look for those possible medical conditions to help you manage you physical wellness as well as your mental wellness.

Bipolar Disorders Affect on Life

Interfering with work or school: Bipolar disorder can make it difficult to concentrate and focus, which can lead to problems at work or school.

Damaging relationships: Bipolar disorder can cause people to act impulsively or make poor decisions, which can damage relationships with family and friends.

Increasing the risk of suicide: Bipolar disorder is a major risk factor for suicide. People with bipolar disorder are more likely to attempt or die by suicide than people without the condition.

Leading to financial problems: Bipolar disorder can lead to financial problems due to impulsive spending, job loss, or hospitalization.

Impacting physical health: Bipolar disorder can increase the risk of a number of physical health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.